Scoop with paws or skip that step: catch in mouth and go straight to eating.
Stand up—that seems to work for the humans.
Snorkel—Head down, under water, ears out. No one likes wet ears.
Dive--Full submersion, ears and all—you may have to shake all over to get the water out.
Pirate—let another bear do all the work, then steal the fish—especially fun with siblings. This works best if you are the bigger one. Eat on shore, in the bushes, to avoid the receiving end of pirating.
Dash and
grab—spot ‘em, chase
‘em and paw pin ‘em to river bottom.
Beg--Bawling loudly as needed. Most likely
to work only with your mother unless she decides to act like a May Pole and turn
her back every time you try to get to her front where she is working through
the catch.
To each their own:
Ursus, Lupus, Sapien
Thanks to the NPS for the names of most of these styles:
Photo of stand up bear and begging bear courtesy of
Pete Graham
Loving your descriptive visuals!