If you know of a Northern Colorado literary event (book signing, reading, etc.) that is not included in this blog, or have a link to a literary site that you like, or just want to share a wonderful word, send a message with the details to beth@secondletter.com. Click here for submission guidelines.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Reading and Workshop August 14, 15

The Possible’s slow fuse is lit

By the Imagination!

                —Emily Dickinson

The next paired writing events sponsored by the Loveland Poet Laureate are coming up at the end of this week: a reading on Friday evening and a workshop Saturday morning, both by local poet Chloe Leisure. 

“How do we engage and then follow the leaps that spring to mind” Leisure asks, “when we hear a word or phrase that sets off some mechanism, some nostalgic familiarity, a little wiggling of a memory we’ve retained all these years, back from when we were first making sense of our world? How can we find the space ‘between chance and mystery’ and let our imagination breathe and roam as wildly as when we were small? How might the imagination be connected to paradigm shifts of what’s possible in an uncertain and unjust society?”

Participants in the workshop, Back, Again: Reunion of the Imagination, will explore these questions and will practice complementary writing techniques. 

The Friday reading will be a great warm up for the workshop, but participation in both is not required.  Pre-registration is, though, through the Loveland Public Library. Zoom meeting link will be emailed upon registration.

More good news:  both events are free (although donations to the Loveland Poet Laureate or to Columbine Poets of Colorado- Northern CO Chapter are welcomed)


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