If you know of a Northern Colorado literary event (book signing, reading, etc.) that is not included in this blog, or have a link to a literary site that you like, or just want to share a wonderful word, send a message with the details to beth@secondletter.com. Click here for submission guidelines.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Latest Seasonal Reading Remarkable!

The quarterly Seasonal Poetry Reading yesterday (held virtually at the Loveland Museum) opened with a Maria Maldonado Dunn reading (in English translation and in the original Spanish) “Ode to Tomatoes” by Pablo Neruda.  This beautifully set the scene for over a dozen local writers sharing their work related to the early summer garden promise of things to come.

Poet and friend to many in the NOCO writing community, Caroline Orman, who died last month, was very present at the reading.  Several of her poems were read by various participants, as were several tributes including Loveland Poet Laurette Veronica Patterson's poems wonderfully woven from lines gleaned from Orman’s work.

The reading was an inspiring, eclectic, celebration of summer. 

The event was sponsored by The Regional Poets and the Loveland Poet Laureate Program. Stay tuned for information about the next reading in the series (which always includes Open Mic time), scheduled for September.

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